Who is a JA Jewelry Professional?
A JA Jewelry Professional's Job is his/her commitment to serving the consumer in an ethical, educated manner. they dynamically pursue trainin and education to becom the best professionals possible while striving to impart the values of professionalism to consumers and colleagues.
A Commitment to Ethic and Services
As a sign of dedication, JA members sign the JA Code of Ethics yearly. This document outlines the profession standards expected of all JA members and each member agrees to those standards to guide in there everyday work operations.
Why Jewlers of America?
Since 1906, JA has been giving its member Jewelry Professionals the tools they need to achieve and excel in the market place.
Beginning a Relationship
When selecting a jeweler, you are beginning a relationship. Finding a jeweler who is knowledgeable and trustworthy is important. Take time to explore your options and as questions when selecting a jewelry professional.
Jewelers of America, Inc